Chip 2000 October
CHIP Turkiye Ekim 2000.iso
program files
PC MACLAN for Windows 2000
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Text File
164 lines
aep EggP FXTC After Effects Project
ai ART5 TEXT Illustrator 5.x
aif SNDM AIFF AIF Sound File (SoundMachine)
al SNDM ALAW Sun Audio File (SoundMachine)
ap1 PLP2 PRS2 Persuasion 2 Presentation
api PLP2 PRIF Persuasion 2.1 File
apn DAD5 AROW Canvas(tm) 5 Arrows
apt PLP2 PRT2 Persuasion 2 Slide
arc SIT! mArc ARC Archive (Stuffit)
asd GDSP DCDC Astound document
ast GDSP DCMS Asotund Template
au SNDM ULAW Sun Audio File (SoundMachine)
avi AVIC BINA AVI to QT Utility
bin SIT! BINA MacBinary Encoded File (Stuffit)
bmp 8BIM BMP Bitmap Image (Photoshop)
cdd dDrw CDrw Claris Draw
cdr Cdrw CDR6 CorelDraw 6-Document
cdt Cdrw CDT6 CorelDraw 6-Template
cgm Mprn CGM Corel ARTISAN-CGM
cid iDrw CIPT ClarisImpact 2.0 Draw
cit iPrs CIPT ClarisImpact 2.0 Template
cmx Cdrw CMX6 Corel Graphics-CMX
com mdos BINA DOS Binary File
cpt SIT! PACT Compact Pro Archive (Stuffit)
csv XCEL TEXT Excel CSV Format
ct GKON ..CT Scitex Image (GraphicConverter)
cv5 DAD5 drw5 Canvas(tm) 5 document
cvs DAD2 drw2 Canvas Drawing
cwd BOBO CWDB ClarisWorks Database
cwg BOBO CWGR ClarisWorks Objects
cwk BOBO CWWP ClarisWorks
cws BOBO CWSS ClarisWorks Spreadsheet
dat Cdrw DAT CorelDraw 6-DAT
dbf FOXX F+DB FoxPro Database
dcr MV95 M!95 Director 5 Document
dcx GKON DCXx DCX Graphic (GraphicConverter)
dic DAD5 CONF Canvas(tm) 5 User Dictionary
dim AD3E AD3D Dimensions(tm)-Document
dir MV95 MD95 Director 5 Movie
dl BGDL TEXT DL Animation (DLViewer)
doc MSWD W6BN Word 6 Document
dot MSWD sDBN Word Stationary File
dot MSWD WTBN Word Template File
dpn DAD5 DASH Canvas(tm) 5 Dashes
dxf SWVL TEXT DXF Drawing (Simple Body)
end Cdrw END CorelDraw 6-END
env Cdrw ENV CorelDraw 6-ENV
eps ART5 EPSP EPS (Illustrator 5.x)
evy ENVY EVYD WPMac News 9/96.evy
fh3 FHA3 FHD3 FreeHand 3.x Document
fh4 FH40 AGD1 FreeHand 4.x Document
fh5 FH50 AGD1 FreeHand 5.x Document
fh7 FH70 AGD1 FreeHand 7.0
fm FMPR FMPR FileMaker Pro 2.x
fm4 Fram FASL FrameMaker 4
fp3 FMP3 FMP3 FileMaker Pro 3.0
frx FOXX FAPP FoxPro Application File
ft2 FSCH FSch FastTrack 2.1
ft3 FHA3 sHD3 Freehand 3.1-Stationary Document
ft4 FTS4 FTs4 FastTrack 4
ft5 FH50 sGD1 FreeHand 5.0-Stationary Document
fxp FOXX FFXP FoxPro Format File
gem Cdrw GEM CorelDraw 6-GEM Graphic
gif 8BIM GIFf GIF Image (Photoshop)
gl AnVw TEXT GL Animation (MacAnim Viewer)
grd DAD5 ObFl Canvas(tm) 5 Gradients
gz Gzip Gzip GZip Compressed File (MacGzip)
hqx BNHQ TEXT StuffIt Archive (BinHex)
htc DAD5 htch Canvas(tm) 5 Hatches
html MSIE TEXT HTML file
iff 8BIM ILBM IFF Image (Photoshop)
jpg 8BIM JPEG JPEG Image (Photoshop)
lbx FOXX F+LB FoxPro Index File
lzh LARC TEXT LHA Archive (MacLHA)
mac dPro PICT PICT File (MacDraw Pro)
mdp dDOC dPRO MacDraw Pro
mid MOUP Midi Midi Music File (Mark of Unicorn)
mif Fram TEXT MIF (FrameMaker)
mii MMII MW2D MacWrite
mnx FOXX FMNX FoxPro Menu Table
mod SCPL STrk MOD Sound File (SoundApp)
mov ttxt MooV Quicktime Video (SimpleText)
mpg mMPG MPEG MPEG Video File (Sparkle)
mw MWII WORD MacWrite II Document
p65 AD65 AB65 PageMaker 6.5 Publication
pal DAD5 COLR Canvas(tm) 5 Colors
pcx 8BIM PCX PhotoShop PCX Image
pdf CARO PDF Adobe Acrobat PDF
pfb FONT LWFN PostScript Type 1 Font
pic 8BIM PICT PICT Image (Photoshop)
pit UPIT TEXT Packit Archive
pjx FOXX FPJX FoxPro Project Table File
pm3 ALD3 ALB3 PageMaker 3.X Publication
pm4 ALD4 ALB4 PageMaker 4.X Publication
pm5 ALD5 ALB5 PageMaker 5.X Publication
pm6 ALD6 ALB6 PageMaker 6.X Publication
png 8BIM PNGf PNG Image (Photoshop)
pot PPT3 PPOT PowerPoint 98 Presentation Template
ppd ALD4 TEXT PageMaker 4 Text Document
ppj PrMr PROJ Adobe Premier 4.0
ppn DAD5 plin Canvas(tm) 5 Parallel Lines
pps PPT3 PPSS PowerPoint 98 Show
ppt PPT3 SLD3 Power Point 3 Document
pr3 PLP3 PRS3 Persuasion 3.0
prs PLP1 PRS1 Aldus Persuasion
ps vgrd TEXT PostScript (Photoshop 5)
psd 8BIM 8BPS PhotoShop Image
pt3 ALD3 ALT3 PageMaker 3 Template File
pt4 ALD4 ALT4 PageMaker 4 Template File
pt6 ALD6 ALT6 PageMaker 6 Template File
pts PLP1 PRT1 Adobe
pub ALD2 PUBF PageMaker 2
pxr 8BIM PXR Pixar Image (Photoshop)
qrk XPR3 XDOC QuarkXPress v3.x
qt TVOD MooV Quicktime Video (Movie Player)
qxl XPR3 XLIB QuarkExpress Library
qxt XPR3 XTMP QuarkXPress 3.x Template
rif GKON RIFF RIFF Image (GraphicConverter)
rpl REP! FRL! Replica Viewer File
rtf MSWD RTF Rich Text Format (Word)
sct 8BIM ..CT Scitex CT Image (Photoshop)
sea aust APPL StuffIt Self-Extracting
sit SIT! SITD Stuffit Archive
slk PLAN TEXT Symbolic Link
spn DAD5 SPEN Canvas(tm) 5 Pens
t65 AD65 AT65 PageMaker 6.5 Template
tar TAR TARF Archive File
tbl TBF2 ATB2 Adobe(r) Table 2.5-Document
tga GKON TARG Targa Image (GraphicConverter)
tgz SIT! Gzip UNIX TAR/GZip Archive (Stuffit)
tif 8BIM TIFF TIFF Image (Photoshop)
tml TBF2 ATBX Adobe(r) Table 2.5-Stationary
tpl DAD5 drwt Canvas(tm) 5 document template
ttf FONT tfil TrueType Font
txt ttxt TEXT ASCII File (SimpleText)
url MSIE LINK URL File (Internet Explorer)
uue uuUN TEXT UU Encoded File (uuUndo)
voc SCPL TEXT Sound Blaster File (SoundApp)
vst 8BIM TPIC Targe Image (Photoshop)
wav SCPL WAVE WAV Sound File (SoundApp)
wdb MSWK AWDB MS Works Database
wk L123 LWKS Budget Calculator
wk1 XCEL LWKS Lotus 123
wk3 L123 123D Lotus 1-2-3-Database File
wks MSWK AWSS MS Works Spreadsheet
wmf GKON TEXT Win Metafile (GraphicConverter)
wp WPC2 .WP6 WordPerfect Doc PC v6.x, 7.x
wp2 WPC2 WPD2 WordPerfect II Document
wpd WPC2 WPD3 WordPerfect 3.x
wpg WPC3 WPG2 WordPerfect Graphic
wps PSI2 AWSS MS Works Spreadsheet 2.0
wpt WPC2 sPD3 WordPerfect 3 Template
xlb XCEL XLB5 Excel 5 Tool Bar
xlc XCEL XLC5 Excel 5 Chart
xlm XCEL XLM5 Excel 5 Macro
xls XCEL XLS5 Excel 5 Worksheet
xlt XCEL XLT Excel Template
xlw XCEL XLW5 Excel 5 Workbook
xnk EXCH TEXT Microsoft Exchange
z SIT! ZIVU Compress File (Stuffit)
zip ZIP ZIP ZIP Archive File
zoo Booz TEXT ZOO Archive